Complimentary Music

 Rotating a confusion of ear indulgence since 2002 or 2003?

(It may have been 2003)

rock ’n’ roll • punk • waves of No, New and Dark • soul • garage • gloom • sea shanties and other surprises.   <----Click here to listen (FOR FREE)  to any of the few DJ sets I recorded and uploaded online.

Every so often, I may add to it. 

NYC Venues I have Dj’d at include, but are not limited to :
Niagara • Bowery Electric • Berlin • Lovers of Today • Black & White • Black Market • Home Sweet Home • Fig. 19 • Beauty Bar • Motor City Bar • Rififi • Lit • Dream Baby • Legion • Manitoba’s • Otto’s Shrunken Head • The Bell House • Diesel Store (Union Square) • Bedlam • Ding Dong Lounge